
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Why Mother's Day is So Difficult Not Being With You

To my dearest children,

Yesterday was a difficult day for me as it is every year on Mother's Day. I miss you terribly and love you very much.

I decided to write these notes to you in hopes you understand some day the difficulties I may experience in my efforts to be reunited with you once again as well as for you to know that no matter how far the distance, I am always with you as we are connected in ways no one can ever change. 

It has been a rough Mother's Day not being with you girls and having little to no contact with you since September 2007 despite my ongoing efforts that have been twarted to prevent us from being together.

As my heart aches for you, my heart also goes out to all the other protective parents who have had their children stolen from them as well on this Mother's Day. I have learned when we can band together with one united voice is when change will happen. Our children are depending on it.

I love you dearly and there has not gone a day I have not missed you wishing I could hold you in my arms once again.

All my love,

Your Mother


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

It is Because of You, I Get Back Up

It is because of you ... my three beautiful daughters .... that I find the strength to get back up.  I am doing my best to stay strong for you girls and will keep getting back up no matter how many times injustice smacks me back down. You my life!!!! I love you and miss you terribly.

I look forward to hopefully speaking with you this evening despite the fact we can not talk freely on the phone due to the tape recordings of our calls. Some day you will have the confidence to speak your truths. Hopefully through these note, you will gain the power and strengh to stand tall and speak YOUR truth.

All my love,

Your Mother

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Thinking of you while down Nantasket

Hi girls,

I am walking along Nantasket Beach thinking about you and wondering what I could have done to be a better mother to you girls that would have prevented all the pain and suffering you have gone through.

I am sitting here wondering what tbe solution is to all this. I know we can not undo the damage to the mother daughter bonds ripped away from us unjustly.  However, I am saddened at my ability to find the solution.

It has been so long since I have held you in my arms, nursed you back to health, and cheer you on with your accomplishments. 

My heart is breaking at all the time we have lost together and unless a miracle happens, I am not sure if we will ever be together again.

All I can do is pray and search for a solution.

In the meantime, I do collect various shells, rocks, and other sea artifacts in hopes you will remember I love you and miss you and have never stopped fighting to be with you.

All my love

Your Mother

May 7th 2013

Good morning girls,

Been thinking about you and missing you. Yesterday was a short victory in court, but with all victories come a price.

Regardless of what happens and no matter what the battle, I love you.

I will never give up on you no matter what threats come my way. The truth in the end shall prevail. And that is what I hold onto until we can someday be reunited.

Shannon, remember what I have taught you about honesty?  No matter what, I will ALWAYS tell you the truth no matter what. I want you girls to do the same. Only the truth can set you free, and lies ALWAYS catch up with you.

In the meantime, know I love you and miss you terribly wishing I could hold you tight, protect you, and build wonderful memories together.

All my love always,

Your Mother

Thursday, May 2, 2013