
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Happy 10th Birthday Kelly

To my precious Kelly,

Today is a big day for you. My baby turns 10!!! You came into this world kicking and screaming at 11:44am today ten years ago. How fast time flies by. You had made your strength, tenacity,  and independent personality known even while you were in my belly. You spent the last two weeks in my belly trying to kick your way through to this side of life, but every day I went to the hospital,  I was sent home. What some may see as a challenge, I saw the birth of my baby girl who some day will be self sufficient, strong, and independent.  I was very happy and grateful.

You are a blessing to us. We love and miss you very much.  We wish we were allowed to share in your joys, triumphs,  sadness, sickness, school trips, projects, etc, but sadly we are not allowed to be a part of your life. I am very sorry I have not participated in life with you.

Know I miss you and love you deeply. Know I have done everything possible to try to protect you from harm and be in your life to share in building memories together. Know I wish I was allowed to spend this special day with you in celebration.

All I can do at this moment,  is to continue to write to you, and hope for some day that we are reunited and can once again share in life's experiences together.

Happy 10th Birthday baby girl.

All my love as always,
Your Mother